News Stories

/News Stories
4 Nov, 2018

Announcing New Executive Director

November 4th, 2018|News Stories|

From the desk of Tony Narula, Chairman of the Board for the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative. After a thorough search process by the hiring committee involving more than 40 candidates I am pleased to announce that beginning November 5, 2018 Diane O’Toole will be the first full time and permanent Executive Director. She brings 17+ years [...]

2 Sep, 2017

Article by Dr David Roberson and Dr. Gerry Healy posted in the American College of Surgeons Bulletin

September 2nd, 2017|Featured Articles, News Stories|

Visit the ACS bulletin site
The members of the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative (GTC) assert that tracheostomy related catastrophic events are like central line-associated infections—they can be eliminated. The GTC is working with health care providers, hospitals, patients, and families around the globe to make the vision of universal safe tracheostomy care a reality. At present, 45 hospitals around the world are members of the GTC, working to implement key drivers that help eliminate adverse events while...

21 Sep, 2016

Two-year mortality, complications, and healthcare use in children with medicaid following tracheostomy

September 21st, 2016|News Stories|

Abstract Objectives/Hypothesis To assess patient characteristics associated with adverse outcomes in the first 2 years following tracheostomy, and to report healthcare utilization and cost of caring for these children. Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Methods Children (0–16 years) in Medicaid from 10 states undergoing tracheostomy in 2009, identified with International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, [...]

13 Jul, 2016

Tracheostomy Care Takes a Team

July 13th, 2016|News Stories|

Nurses' role in helping restore patients' speech By Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM Too often, tracheostomy patients literally do not have a voice in their own care. But nurses are in a position to help patients discover their voice and to conduct research to strengthen evidence-based practice and improve patient outcomes. The Global [...]

19 Jun, 2016

GTC Member returns from travels visiting centres of excellence around the world

June 19th, 2016|News Stories|

GTC Member, Gavin Straffon is a physiotherapist at Nottingham University Hospital (NUH). He recently spent eight weeks travelling throughout the USA and Australia, studying the effects of a multi-disciplinary team (MDT) approach to tracheostomy care, and the physiotherapist’s role within that team.  Gavin’s travels around the world were enabled by a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust [...]

14 Jan, 2016

Dr. Brendan McGrath Approved £400k Grant

January 14th, 2016|News Stories|

The Health Foundation ( is an “independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the United Kingdom.” The £400,000 ($600,000 US dollars) grant will help fund 20 institutions in the United Kingdom to join the Global Tracheostomy Collaborative (GTC) and evaluate in detail the benefits to patients, their families, [...]

9 Dec, 2015

$22.18 Million Awarded to Patient After Hospital Found Negligent in Tracheostomy Care

December 9th, 2015|News Stories|

Chicago Attorneys Win $22.18 Million for Patient of Medical Negligence PR Web | Wednesday, 09 December 2015 07:45 (EST) Chicago, Illinois(PRWEB) December 09, 2015The Law Offices of Lane & Lane, LLC recently helped a victim of medical negligence and carelessness secure a$22.18 million judgment for injuries she sustained at the Mercy Hospital and Medical Center in [...]

15 Aug, 2015

Shine Leader Dr Brendan McGrath Appointed as National Tracheostomy Lead Clinician by NHS England

August 15th, 2015|News Stories|

Dr Brendan McGrath has been appointed as National Tracheostomy Lead Clinician by NHS England in recognition of his work improving patient safety. He currently leads a successful Health Foundation funded project which aims to reduce the frequency, nature and severity of harm associated with tracheostomies. Dr McGrath, a consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine [...]

15 Aug, 2015

Passy Muir Highlights Tracheostomy Teams

August 15th, 2015|News Stories|

The latest Passy Muir newsletter that that mentions it's upcoming ITS and GTC kickoff meeting as well as highlighting the track teams. Take a look… Click here to download or view on mobile

15 Dec, 2014

The Global Tracheostomy Collaborative Recognizes RTs

December 15th, 2014|News Stories|

The GTC recognizes RTs as an important part of this international cooperative of caregivers to improve outcomes and quality of life for their patients. By Diane M. Randall, RRT-NPS Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital AARC (American Association for Respiratory Care) Times

19 Nov, 2014

Healthcare Theatre Device Selected as First-Place Technology Innovation Winner

November 19th, 2014|News Stories|

The University of Delaware’s Healthcare Theatre Program went high tech earlier this year when a group of engineering students designed and fabricated SimuTrach, a device that provides realistic training for the care of tracheostomy patients. Winning simulation